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Pete Chasar
Fine Art
Art Show
Boxed In
6" X 6" X 6"; four-in-one tetrahedron inside aluminum cube
10" X 10" X 12"; rhombic dodecahedron of painted and foil paper
5" X 5" X 5"; snub cube of incised and painted wood
TD Icosa
13" X 13" X 13"; icosahedron of wood disks and tongue depressors
12" X 12" X 12"; dodecahedron of CD disks and plastic lids
Golf Icosa
14" X 14" X 14"; icosahedron of plastic tubes and steel hubs
Semi-Nude Cube
8" X 8" X 8"; cutaway cube in painted wood
EMT Icosa
24" X 24" X 24"; icosahedron of galvanized steel tubing
Pent Wave
60" X 16" X 1"; conjoined pentagons in rigid styrene
40" X 9" X 9"; hanging sculpture of recycled clear styrene sheet
Time and Space
20" X 20" X 16"; aluminum and clear styrene on lighted wood pedestal
Inner Space
16" X 16" X 16"; foil tetrahedrons inside clear tetrahedron inside clear sphere
18" X 18" X 18"; truncated tetrahedron of clear styrene panels and struts
10" X 10" X 6"; kinetic sculpture from painted plastic rings and ping-pong balls
Ring Sphere
11" X 11" X 11"; sphere made up of 12 natural cane rings
10" X 10" X 10"; aluminum dodecahedron with concentric stars on each face
Fat & Thin Diamonds
24" X 24" X 8"; wall sculpture of recycled aluminum sheet
10" X 10" X 10"; kinetic sculpture of aluminum tubing and flexible vinyl hubs
13" X 13" X 13"; sphere of plastic toy boomerangs and clear styrene hubs
Strut Icosa
8" X 8" X 8"; icosahedron of aluminum tubing and pentagon hubs
10" X 10" X 10"; painted plastic tetrahedron inside aluminum strut cube
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